1960年代、アンディ・ウォーホルがニューヨークのマンハッタンに構えた作品制作スタジオは「ファクトリー」と呼ばれ、ウォーホルの代名詞ともなっているシルクスクリーンの作品や、60年代から手がけはじめた実験映像などをこの場所で制作していました。また、ミック・ジャガーやルー・リードといったミュージシャン、トルーマン・カポーティやアレン・ギンズバーグなどの詩人、ニコやイーディ・セジウィックなどの女優やファッションモデル、ウォーホルの友人、知人が昼夜を問わず集うサロンにもな り、ニューヨークのカルチャーシーンの中心地となっていました。
そのファクトリーでウォーホルとマランガが訪問者たちを被写体にして制作していた作品が、固定した16ミリカメラで彼らのバストアップを撮影した映像作品[Screen Tests]です。カメラを向けられた人々がその前でただジッとしている様子を記録した本作は、ウォーホルが初期に手がけた実験映画として知られ、多くの著名人が斬新な「肖像」としてウォーホルに制作依頼したシルクスクリーン作品と同様に、新しいポートレートのあり方を美術史に刻みました。
In 1960’s, Andy Warhol’s studio in Manhattan, so-called “the Factory”, was the place where he produced his iconic silkscreen prints and experimental films, which he started making in the 60’s. At the same time, this place became like a salon where musicians like Mick Jagger and Lou Reed, poets like Truman Capote and Allen Ginsberg, actresses and fashion models like Nico and Edie Sedgwick or other friends and people around Warhol gathered day and night and was the center of New York City’s culture scene.
Warhol and Malanga’s film portraits [Screen Tests] were made in the Factory, filming the guests with his 16mm camera. These films of subjects captured sitting still before the camera are known as one of his earliest experimental films and present a new idea of portraits in the history of art, just like Warhol’s silkscreen prints, which many celebrities asked him to make as a novel way of portraiture.
Originally Published in 1967, By Kulchur Press
© Gerard Malanga
1967年、そのフィルムの一部をプリントした写真と、ファクトリーで初期から作品制作に携わっていたジェラード・マランガの散文詩が淡々とページを連ねる[Screen Tests / A Diary]が刊行されました。しかし、同年に出版されて高い評価を得た[Andy Warhol’s Index (Book)]※1とは対照的に、当時はほとんど売れず、刊行から数年経っても過剰な在庫を抱えていた出版社は断裁処分をしてしまいました。結果として現存する数が極端に少なく、古書市場では50万円以上するレアブックになっています。
初版が刊行されてから50年目にあたる2017年、[Screen Tests / A Diary]の復刻が実現しました。現代美術・芸術写真の文脈で重要な意義を持つこの歴史的マスターピースが忠実に再現され、現代に蘇ります。また、この復刻版は日本限定で発売され、世界で唯一入手が可能なのは日本国内のみとなります。この機会にぜひご高覧ください。
※1 Andy Warhol’s Index (Book):写真やテキスト、ポップアップや風船、ピクチャー・ソノシートなどが織り交ざった仕掛け絵本型のアーティストブック。
In 1967, some of the films were printed and published as the book [Screen Tests / A Diary] together with prose poems by Gerard Malanga, who worked for Warhol from the early time in the Factory. However, in contrast to [Andy Warhol’s Index (Book)]*1, which was published in the same year and received high praise, it didn’t sell good back then. The publisher had too much stock, even after several years, so they destroyed the books and disposed of them. Consequently, an extremely small amount remained safe and it became a rare book, which may cost in excess of five thousand dollars in the market.
In this book, the unique thing is that the top and bottom of the films are cut off from the sequence of film rolls with continuous facial gestures, so the subjects are trimmed generously. In this way, the four corners remain empty and it is unlike Warhol’s other works, which are completed within the canvas. This was Gerard’s idea and their collaborative work showed a fresh approach to the portrait genre. The series of work can be seen as a collection of portraits of the people who created American culture in the 60’s, as a result of Warhol’s charisma and the diverse connections of Gerard Malanga, who introduced a lot of subjects in the book to Warhol. Therefore, the book could be considered as a highly important art book.
In 2017, it has been 50 years since the first edition was published, and [Screen Tests / A Diary] will be a facsimile reproduction. People can see this historical masterpiece which is important in the contemporary art and photography context. In addition, this reprint edition will be a limited release in Japan and will be available only in Japan, not in any other country. Please don’t miss this opportunity.
*1 Andy Warhol’s Index (Book): An artist book which resembles a pop-up picture book that has photographs, texts, pop-ups, a balloon, picture-flex-disc, etc..
from [Screen Tests / A Diary]
© Gerard Malanga
[Screen Tests / A Diary] 復刻版
テキスト:河添剛 / デザイン:田中義久
ソフトカバー / 253mm x 188mm / 216ページ / 53図版※
初版2,000部 / 日本限定販売
Copyright © 2017 Gerard Malanga
First Edition Copyright © 1967 Kulchur Press
All rights reserved.
[Screen Tests / A Diary] Reprint Edition
Will be published on May 12th, 2017
Text: Tsuyoshi Kawasoe / Book Design: Yoshihisa Tanaka
Planned / Published by: POST (limArt ltd.,)
Softcover / 253mm x 188mm / 216 pages / 53 illustrations*
2,000 editions / Limited distribution in Japan
Price: 4,800yen+tax
Copyright © 2017 Gerard Malanga
First Edition Copyright © 1967 Kulchur Press
All rights reserved.
*The original edition published in 1967 had 54 illustrations, however, 1 illustration was excluded in this reprint edition.
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