Bruce Davidson: England / Scotland 1960

Added on by Yusuke Nakajima.

2005年初版の本書は、ブルース・デイビットソン自身によってフォーマットされ、Steidlで同じく出版されたBlack & White (2012)にあわせて制作されたもの。

1960年、ブルックリンの悪名高いストリートギャング[The Jokers]を撮り続けたデイビットソンは、その一年間の憂鬱から抜け出す決心をします。
彼はその後、撮影中だったジョン・ヒューストンの作品[The Misfits]に主演していたマリリン・モンローの撮影をネバダで依頼され、Queen Magazineの依頼でロンドンへと旅をしました。

STEIDL 2014年6月発行 ハードカバー(クロス装丁) 144ページ


Bruce Davidson: England / Scotland 1960

 In 1960, after an intense year photographing a notorious Brooklyn street gang “The Jokers”, Bruce Davidson decided to remove himself from the tension and depression of that work. He received an assignment to photograph Marilyn Monroe during the making of John Houston’s The Misfits in the Nevada desert, and then travelled to London on commission for Queen magazine. Published by Jocelyn Stevens, Queen was devoted to British lifestyle and Davidson was charged, with no specific agenda, to spend a couple of months touring England and Scotland to create a visual portrait of the two countries.

England / Scotland 1960 offers a poetic insight into the heart of English and Scottish cultures. Reflecting a post-war era in which the revolutions of the 1960s had not quite yet entered the mainstream, Davidson’s photographs reveal societies driven by difference – the extremes of city and country life, of the landed gentry and the common people. Published for the first time in its entirety in 2005, this new edition has a larger ideal format chosen by Davidson initially for his Black & White (2012), and now the standard size for his future publications with Steidl.