Klaus Kehrer Interview

Added on by Yusuke Nakajima.





- What triggered you to launch an art book publisher?

when i was a student already i was thinking about working in the field of arts. after my university degree i immediately worked for an art book publisher for several years, then founded a studio for book design and cultural communications, collaborating mainly with institutional partners like museums or foundations etc. as my books had to be distributed by different publishing houses, the institutions i worked with again and again asked me to found my own publishing house to close the gap between designing resp producing books and the distribution. thus, one nice day i went to get the first isbn numbers, not at all having an idea about what huge economic responsibility this step would cause for my future. and of course, i started to love to be a publisher, even if the first years economically were the sheer hell.


- ケーラーは社内にデザインチームがありますが、ケーラーから出版される本のうち、どれくらいの割合が自社デザインのものですか?


- Kehrer has its design team. Approximately what percentage of books are designed by Kehrer Design?

as the design of the books was where i came from, there are still several designers and retouchers employed at kehrer. therefore, most of our books are designed inhouse. i guess like at least 60 % of the releases might be designed by my team. but i accept external design when it makes sense to do so. there are good freelance designers that we are working with in case of too much work inhouse. there are also other designers, that our partners would like to work with. and generally, i have no problem with externally designed books as they widen the range of design of our books. but of course, there is one important key: these external designer have to be experienced and just - good.

- 社員数はどれくらいですか? 本づくりにはデザイン、編集、印刷、製本と様々な段階がありますが、ケーラーはどこまでを自身で行なっていますか?


- About how many people work in the office? Which functions exactly does Kehrer take care of upon making a book? (design/editorial/printing/book binding, etc.)

the basic team counts about 20 members, not included the employees at the gallery in berlin. they take care of design or retouches, or are responsible for the technical production in printing and binding, and some are coordinating the projects as project leaders, take care of translations and proof reading and keep in touch with the artists or curators. and furthermore, of course, there is themarketing department, these are responsible for the public relations, advertising and the international and national distribution mainly. apart from the internal staff members we work with a system of socalled satellites, freelancers e. g. for proof reading, translations or the before mentioned external design.

- 他の出版社と比べたとき、ケーラーの核となる独自性は何でしょうか?




- How would you describe the core uniqueness of Kehrer books, when compared with other publishers?

apart of a few very serious publishers, a certain number of publishers come from the printing side, owned a printing house first of all and therefore mainly focus on printing in order to feed the expensive machines. others see publishing just as a business. we also have to make sure we economically survive. but there is another important clue, that probably makes the difference:

i believe, most of the kehrer books have kind of a soul. everybody aboard is really enthusiastic about working on good and lovely books. thus the passion combined with knowledge and know-how makes most of the books something special. at least, that's what artists and curators said we have worked with in the past. and i would like to add, that of course, the techical quality in image processing, printing and binding makes an important part of the books. thats why almost every kehrer book is still printed and bound in germany, even if printing is more expensive than in china or southern europe.

- ケーラー社は毎年ドイツ写真集賞等の賞を受賞され、国際的なアートブックフェアにもいくつも出展されていますが、その成功の要因は?


- Kehrer Verlag now annually is a winner of e.g. the German Foto Book Award, and also participates various international art book fairs. What has lead the publisher to such achievement?

this relates to what we talked about before i think. good design, good images, best possible printing / binding and a lot of work :) but also, we may not forget that the awards are depending on the projects themselves. you cant win a prize or get awarded if the content of the book is not worth it. thus, i am also very greatful to work with important and emerging artists and to choose and publish interesting bodies of works.

- アーティストや写真家の要素で、ケーラーで出版をする(またはしない)決断を行なうときの、判断基準はどこにありますか?


- What element becomes important of the artist/photographer, when you decide (or don't decide) to publish a project for Kehrer?

most important is the work itself, as if the photography (or art in general) is outstanding enough, if the concept is interesting and so on. also we have a close look at the biography of the artist. doesnt mean that the artist has to be advanced already, or not even that he has to have an art school education, but that the cv is consistent and representing a development in the field of arts. in this sense the work of the publisher is comparable to the work of a gallerist, who better invests in an artist with real future regarding the work.

- 本を作る上で、最も「難しいこと」は何ですか?


- What are the most difficult things upon making books?

from experience i would give a perhaps unexpected and not very charming answer. difficulties in design and retouches etc always are to be solved. problems at press always find a solution. if you do not just a few books per year, the most difficult thing is probably still keeping all on screen, adjusting schedules the right way, deal with the complexity of every project and the special circumstances of each publication. in other words, if there is the knowledige and specific know-how on doing books, the organisation always keeps complex and difficult.


- 本を作る上で、最も「楽しいこと」は何ですか?


- What are the most fun things you enjoy upon making books?

every book you work together with crazy artists or designers is fun as long as the vibes are good. if there is an understanding - and i assume that it doesnt come to a collaboration if the vibes are not ok - between the publisher respectively his team and the artist, there is always fun and real joy in creating a book together and having the ready book as a baby in common. particularly, these moments are for instance when the right idea in design comes up, when the pictures look great at the first sheets on press, when the first handbound sample comes from the binder, and finally when the ready book gets released - and celebrated! sometimes making a book with someone is more than fun, sometimes it feels like having a personal relationship.

- 本をつくる際、アーティストとのコミュニケーションで特に大事にしていることは?



- What do you prioritize when having communications with artists for projects?

regarding the importance of the mutual understanding or even sympathy as an contributing factor of creating a great book together, personal meetings before confirming a project are quite important to me. if this is not really possible regarding distances at least we try to get to know possible partners by skype or so. when the - as we say - chemistry is not right, one shouldnt work together on such an intense thing as a art- or photobook,

technically, more regarding the processes at the beginning of the communication on a project, my team prefers data that are easier to handle than heavy downloads. artists, that are about to submit a body of work, better send a lowres pdf first of all. later, of course, one has to see the real prints or high res images as samples to get a picture.

- 「良い本」の定義は何だと思いますか?


- How would you describe a definition of a "good book"?

a good book has to be an object, an object of desire in several respects. first of all, as we said, a beautiful book has to have an interesting and powerful content, that deserves an interesting frame and surprising techniques. furthermore the design, the materials have to be chosen very carefully - or sensitively i would say - in order to get the whole appearance of the book coherent. theresult has to be the way that the recipient hardly could imagine the book differently, to see the book as a perfect book. severalsenses have to be served: what you see, how you feel the paper (and cover materials) and in best case: that you like the sent of the varnish etc.

- 電子書籍について、どう思いますか?


- What do you think of e-books?

i have noproblem with e-books. there are advantages like having your reading with you on your ipad on travels etc. in the field of photo- and artbooks i am oldstyle perhaps but strongly believe, that seriously interested people would always prefer a printed book compared to just an information via e-book. but as we said: the book nowadays has to come up with much more than simply information, it needs to be the object, otherwise it cant compete with electronic media on longer terms.


クラウス・ケーラーはドイツ、カールスルーエ(ドイツ)出身。マンハイム大学で学んだ後、ハイデルベルク(ドイツ)のアート出版社及び印刷所に就職。しばし従業員として働いた後すぐにブックデザインの道を歩み始め、美術館やアーティスト等と共に作品集や展覧会図録をフリーランスで請負い始める。ケーラー出版社を1995年に立ち上げ、現在も約20名体制のチームで運営。優れたデザイン、生産体制、そして海外流通に焦点を置きながら、主に写真集を出版している。2014年には出版事業の他、ベルリンにケーラーギャラリーをオープン。クラウス・ケーラーはEuropean Publishers Award for Photographyのドイツパートナーでもある。ブックデザインや写真集マーケティングのワークショップを行なう他、フォトフェスティバルのレビュアーを担当する等、常に若き才能との出会いを積極的に求めている。

Klaus Kehrer, born in Karlsruhe, Germany, studied at the University of Mannheim and then took a job at a art publishing house and art printer in Heidelberg. After a short period as an employee, he turned to book design and began to do freelance work producing art books and exhibition catalogs for museums and artists. Kehrer founded the Kehrer Verlag in 1995, which he runs today with a team of about twenty employees. The publishing house focuses on the design, production, and international distribution of primarily photography books. In 2014, the publisher in addition opened Kehrer Gallery in Berlin. Kehrer is the German partner of the European Publishers Award for Photography. He occasionally conducts workshops on book design and photobook marketing and, as a reviewer at photography festivals, actively seeks out fresh talent.



Founded in 1995, Kehrer Verlag Heidelberg Berlin specializes in books in the fields of photography, fine arts, and culture.

Working together closely with international artists, authors, museums and cultural institutions, Kehrer Verlag creates its publications in alliance with Kehrer Design, the affiliated design and communication agency.

Each book is a unique creation testifying to the constructive collaboration between the respective partners – with consistently high technical and design quality as the unifying element. We put our heart and soul into every Kehrer book, with an attention to detail that can be felt page after page.

Kehrer books are available wherever fine art and photography books are sold, and are distributed in most European countries, the USA, Canada and Asia.